Sunday, April 13, 2008

Against Homophobia Books


I am not an anti-homosexual person and I sincerely have nothing against them. But introducing the existence of homosexual relationship towards very young children is unspeakable. To portray them in story books at primary school and giving them the false notion of normality is beyond intolerable.
I for one do not wish my children as young as 5 to be reading story books relating to the same gender living together happily ever after as a family. This is not the fairy tale I remember and neither will my children. Children perceive “Family” as parents consisting of mum a female figure and dad a male figure and themselves. This is the only concept of family that has been accepted from the beginning of mankind. Not only that, it goes against the teachings and beliefs of Christian religion & the Muslims. Basically breaking the most fundamental rule of marriage and family. A mockery of the institution of marriage and family. What angers me most is why the Christians have not opposed to this is OUTRAGEOUS!!! Pilot scheme.
Recently Muslim parents at Easton, Bristol demanded homophobia books to be removed from the school shelves. This led to Bristol City Council to withdraw the books. The council had said that the books were intended to help prevent homophobic bullying. Where are the statistics to prove this kind of bullying is occurring in primary schools? What about all the other type of bullying mainly Racism.
Why haven’t we (the Christians) shown any resentment towards this issue.
We sent our children to school to learn academic subjects NOT sexual relationships of modern society.
Homosexual issues should NEVER ever enter the field of EDUCATION at primary school level. Any gay rights awareness should be done somewhere else! Somewhere far away as possible!! BAN HOMOPHOBIA BOOKS FOREVER!! WE CERTAINLY DO NOT WANT TO CREATE A NATION OF POOFS!!

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